Playset and Annual Meeting update
Jan 8 – Greetings Neighbors, two things to share:
- Annual Meeting: Our annual meeting is scheduled for February 11 at the Dieringer Heights Elementary School. You should be getting a notice in the mail in the next few days. Please plan to attend or to give your proxy to a neighbor that will be attending. We will be voting on the 2025 budget as well as open board seats. The budget will NOT have a dues increase. Dues (still $600) will be due on March 1. The dues/fees notices will be available sometime before February 1.
There is one open seat on the board, so please think about volunteering. So far, the ballot includes:
* Mark Pampe (current term is ending, vote to serve another 2 years)
* Colin Ury (current term is ending, vote to serve another 2 years)
* Jerry Green (appointed in 2024 – vote to finish his term through 2025
* Sonny Spencer (term goes through 2025, so no vote is needed)
* Open Seat (please consider joining) - Playset: Weather permitting, we are planning to demo and remove the old playset on Saturday February 15. We will slide a week (or two) if necessary for inclement weather. Our biggest challenge will be the haul-away of the old material. If anyone is willing and able to haul it away for scrap value, please PM Mark Pampe to discuss. Otherwise, we will be asking for those with trucks or utility trailers to join in the effort to haul it to a dump/recycle facility. Watch for more details as the date approaches.